
Christians believe that all we are, and all that we have, are God’s gifts to us. As members of St. Alban’s, we respond to these amazing gifts by giving of our time, talent, and financial resources to enable the life-changing work that takes place within our community and in the greater world.

Record Your Pledge towards the 2025 "Season of Gratitude" Annual Appeal

Pledge Your Support

A Pledge is a commitment to support God's church in the coming year. By pledging, we allow the church to forecast its available resources, promoting sound financial practices. Even more important, making a pledge is an act of sacrificial love toward God and our neighbors, and thus is an important way to act on our faith. Please record your pledge here, or send us a printed form (in English or en Español). For more information, please contact one of the co-chairs for our Annual Appeal, Sarah Minukas, Lucy Cage or Eve Zartman-Ball. Thank you!

Record Your 2025 Pledge

Make or Schedule a Payment to Support Our Parish

Donate to Support St. Alban's

• Make or schedule Payments toward your Pledged Support

• Offer a General Donation to Support the Parish

• Make a donation toward Altar or Memorial Flowers

• Pay toward a specific Fund of your choice

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Bequests & Planned Giving for St. Alban's

Bequests & Planned Giving for St. Alban's

"Planned giving" describes a variety of ways to give financial gifts to St. Alban’s to fund the church’s future operations and ministry. It often involves financial or estate planning and can reduce taxes. But it’s not just for the wealthy. All gifts are needed and appreciated. Learn more.

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