
Through music, prayer is given more graceful expression, the mystery of the liturgy more openly revealed and minds can be raised to heavenly things by its beauty. 

Music is an integral part of our common spiritual life and our model for music in the liturgy is Jesus himself, who sang psalms with the apostles at the Last Supper. It is among the most joyful and sublime offerings we make to God. St Alban’s is blessed to have musicians continuing to offer praises every week. We believe, as St. Augustine held, that to sing is to pray twice and music is an integral part of our participation in the work of God.

Matthew Steynor is our Director of Music. Contact Matthew if you have questions about being involved in our music program.

St. Albans’ Choirs

The Adult Choir at St. Alban’s is comprised principally of volunteers with a variety of choral experience, augmented by eight staff singers. The choir meets weekly on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. to help with preparing the music for the worship services. On Sunday some choir members sing at the 9:00 a.m. service, others at 11:15 a.m. and others at both.

Music lists from prior years can be found here.

During the pandemic around twenty choristers contributed to the St. Alban’s Lockdown Choir, recording two short anthems per week from their homes. Hyperlinks to these anthems (with accompanying images chosen by the St. Alban’s clergy) are provided in the music lists.


Our growing chorister program provides children and youth from kindergarten and up with outstanding vocal training, music theory, and leadership development, as well as social and spiritual development. No previous musical experience is required, only an eagerness to learn and sing! For more information, click here or contact Joseph Kaz.



St. Alban’s owns a fine set of three octave WhiteChapel handbells, played by ringers of all ages and musical abilities. We meet most Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM and play at the 11:15 AM worship service on select Sundays. All are welcome to join.

Children's Chapel Musicians

Can you clap your hands and march in the light of God, or play any kind of instrument? If so, you’ll make a fine music leader in Children’s Chapel. Contact Noell Sottile to learn more or just show up at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday in Nourse Hall.

St. Albans’ Organ

The organ at St. Alban’s was built by the Di Gennaro-Hart Organ Company and dedicated on September 20th 1998. Its builder, Michael Hart, provided this background and shared some “secrets of St. Alban’s organ” at an OWLs luncheon. OWLs committee member Lacey Gude provided the introduction.

Choir Pilgrimages

Singing in unfamiliar places, whether grand cathedral spaces, ancient catacombs, or sites of human tragedy or triumph, is a sacred experience in its own right. Choirs from St. Alban’s have made many pilgrimages to England (2004), Italy (2008), Austria and the Czech Republic (2010), England (2012) and France (2015). Most recently in 2024, a group of choristers from St. Alban’s sang in churches and cathedrals along the Camino Frances in Northern Spain, while also walking the Camino. The music sang during the Camino pilgrimage can be found here.

Praise God for the gift of music which can exceed our capabilities of expression through spoken word and can allow us to access the depths of our emotional experience, drawing us closer to God.