Baptisms, Confirmation, Weddings & Funerals


Baptism officially marks the beginning of our life as Christians, when we are “sealed as Christ’s own forever.”

Infants & Children

Parents of infants and children to be baptized should make an appointment to discuss baptism with the Rev’d Emily Griffin. Parents and godparents also attend a preparation course offered by our catechumenal team. Two or three sessions and a rehearsal are held prior to baptism.


Adult candidates should contact The Rev’d Bertie Pearson to discuss baptism.  

Preparation for Baptism

The catechumenal team seeks, through discussion and reflection, to deepen the spiritual understanding of baptismal candidates or the parents of children being baptized. Members become knowledgeable about the history and theology of the Episcopal Church, and share that knowledge with those preparing for baptism. If you would like to be involved, contact our Clergy to learn more.



Youth at St. Alban’s are prepared for confirmation in the context of the Journey to Adulthood class and through other special gatherings. Confirmation is offered to youth in grades 10 and above. The decision to be confirmed is made by each individual and reflects their own experience of God’s grace and their commitment to the Christian faith. For more information, contact our Clergy.



In confirmation, we make a mature commitment to Christ. A course of preparation is held for adults interested in baptism, confirmation, reception or reaffirmation in the Episcopal Church. These classes provide careful exploration of Christian faith and practice and help participants to grow in their relationship with God. Classes are conducted by the clergy. To learn more or to enroll, contact The Rev’d Bertie Pearson.


Christian marriage (whether between a man and a woman or between two persons of the same sex) provides the context for lifelong growth in faithfulness, love, patience, and grace, and we celebrate such marriages with joy and dignity.

Marriage at St. Alban’s is open to all who are parishioners, children of parishioners, or who are in the process of becoming parishioners. If you are not a member of our congregation, you are welcome to begin attending St. Alban’s and to explore the ways in which we can grow in faithfulness together. For further information, please email the church office. The Guide to the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage at St. Alban’s will help you plan your service.

Funerals and Memorial Services

Clergy help parishioners who wish to discuss arrangements for their own services or services for their loved ones. It is best to make arrangements for a funeral or a memorial service with a member of the Clergy as soon as the death occurs. The Clergy may be reached by calling (202) 363-8286 and following the emergency contact instructions. The Guide for Burial and Funeral Planning will provide you with the information you need to start planning the service for your loved one. Email the church office for more details.

St. Alban’s Columbarium

St. Alban’s offers space in its columbarium for the interment of ashes of members and their immediate families. Niches in the columbarium are beneath a low wall outside the church, facing the National Cathedral. Names and dates are engraved on the marble slabs. For more information contact Director of Operations Roland Mansfield.