At St. Alban’s we believe in asking big questions and fostering a deeply intellectual engagement with the faith.
Through rigorous Biblical study, informed by the voices of the Early Church, we bring our hearts and minds before Christ.
Adult Enquirers Class
Are you new to church, to St. Alban’s or to all things Episcopal? Or do you simply seek to understand your faith more deeply? This course is open to all who want a more thorough grounding in the Christian faith. It will also prepare you to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. All participants will be eligible for confirmation, reception or reaffirmation at the National Cathedral. To register please contact Mery Montenegro.
Rector's Forum on Theology and Biblical Studies
Rector's Forum on Theology and Biblical Studies
Join us each Sunday at 10:30am as we discuss the Christian faith.
Wednesday's at St. Albans
Wednesday's at St. Albans
Join us on Wednesday nights from September-May at 6:30pm as we explore the History of Christianity
Bible studies and Small groups
Bible studies and Small groups
Held weekly over zoom and in parishioner’s homes
Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry
Rector's Podcast: The History of Christianity
Rector's Podcast: The History of Christianity
Memorial Lecture Series
Memorial Day Lecture
Annual Parish Weekend
Annual Parish Weekend
An annual weekend of fun and fellowship in November.