
Rev’d Bertie Pearson
Office: 202-363-8286 x 201
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About Rev'd Bertie Pearson
The Rev. Bertie Pearson has served on the staff of the Diocese of California, as Priest-in-Charge of St. John the Evangelist and Holy Innocents in San Francisco, as Vicar of San Francisco de Asís Iglesia Episcopal in Austin, and as Rector of Grace Church in Georgetown, Texas. Bertie and his wife Dr. Rahel Pearson have two delightful children, Helena and Augie, and are the proud owners of a highly intelligent Australian Shepherd named Ida. In addition to parochial ministry, Bertie has taught church history for the past 10 years at both the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest and the Iona School for Ministry, and hosts the podcast The History of Christianity with Bertie Pearson. When not in church, Bertie is a recreational photographer, electronic musician, and fan of American and British literature.

The Rev’d Sarah Taylor Miller
Associate Rector
Office: 202-363-8286 x226
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About Rev'd Sarah Taylor Miller
The Rev. Sarah Taylor Miller is a contemplative at heart who loves being in, on, or near the water. Originally from Texas, she served as a youth and young adult minister at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas, before attending Virginia Theological Seminary.
Sarah has served as a priest at St. John’s, Lafayette Square, and St. David’s in the District of Columbia, and as Priest-In-Charge of St. Paul’s, Millers Tavern in rural Virginia.
She enjoys various creative pursuits and exploring Old Town Alexandria, where she lives with her husband, the Rev. Chris Miller, and her two sons, Peter and Andrew.

Stephanie Townes
Interim Minister for Children, Youth, and Families
Office: 202-363-8286 x204
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About Stephanie Townes
Stephanie Townes (formerly our seminarian) brings to St. Alban’s tremendous expertise in ministry with children, youth, and young adults. She is currently a Master of Divinity student at Virginia Theological Seminary and will be ordained to the Episcopal Diocese of Texas priesthood in June 2025.
Previously, Stephanie was the Missioner for Congregational Vitality: Youth and Young Adults for the Diocese of Texas. In 2017 she completed her MA in Theological Studies with a concentration in Christian Earthkeeping from Portland Seminary at George Fox University. Stephanie’s most recent publication is The Theology of Gratitude for Rising Generations in Anglican Theological Review.
She is originally from Houston and has two adult daughters, Rose and Rowan.
Music Staff

Matthew Steynor
Director of Music
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About Matthew Steynor
Matthew moved to the DMV area in 2019 from South Florida, where he was Director of Music at Trinity Cathedral in Miami and the Artistic Director of the Florida Singing Sons, a boychoir based in Fort Lauderdale. He is the co-founder of the Anglican Chorale of Southeast Florida, an ensemble comprised of talented volunteers who sang Evensong twice a month. With the chorale he directed several South Florida premiers including settings of the Passion by Arvo Pärt and Bob Chilcott, in addition to making a recording and an international tour.
He is also an experienced choral accompanist, collaborating with many of South Florida’s finest choirs including Seraphic Fire, the Master Chorale of South Florida, and the University of Miami Frost Chorale. Currently, he is the principal accompanist of the ChoralArts Society in Washington DC, in addition to his position as Director of Music at St Alban’s Episcopal Parish in Washington DC. He is a graduate of Cambridge University (U.K.), where he was Organ Scholar at Queens’ College, and in his final year conducted the wind orchestra of the Cambridge University Musical Society.

Joseph Kaz
Chorister Program Director
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About Joseph Kaz
A composer primarily focused on the creation of new operas, Joseph’s first opera The Song of Solomon, was premiered by the Ithaca College Light Opera in 2013. Other recent performances have included a semi-staged reading of the opera Alice Flagg at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC and a full production of the work at the Winyah Auditorium in Georgetown, SC, and a third production of the work at The Catholic University of America. Joseph received a Bachelors of Music in Composition from Ithaca College, and his Masters in Composition from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.
Parish Staff

Roland Mansfield
Director of Operations
Office: 202-363-8286
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About Roland Mansfield
Roland comes to us from church administration and corporate facilities/retail management jobs. In addition to his administrative skills, Roland is a woodcarver, illustrator, and occasional animator, having created several short films and television commercials. He is a native of Massachusetts.

Mery Montenegro
Communications Manager
Office: 202-363-8286
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About Mery Montenegro
Mery produces print and digital media in English and Spanish, maintains our website and membership database, manages social media accounts, and directs live streaming and video projects.

Dayna Charriere
Finance Manager
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About Dayna Charriere
Dayna is a CPA who works remotely from her home in Georgetown,TX, and has enjoyed serving in church/nonprofit accounting since 2006. Dayna and her husband Ryan have two boys together and are also licensed foster parents. She loves being a soccer mom and eating Tex-Mex whenever possible.

Courtney Cunningham
Opportunity Shop Manager
Office: 202-966-5288
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About Courtney Cunningham
Courtney is the go-to person for inquiries, suggestions, requests, and comments about our Opportunity Shop (donations, hours of operation, volunteering, etc.)

Armando Pineda
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About Armando Pineda
Armando and his wife, Virginia, keep our buildings looking great. They help set up for parish events, from the weekly Sunday forums to special occasions like the annual Gala and Christmas Dinner.

The Vestry

Amanda Gilman
Senior Warden: three-year term ending January 2028
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Ted Cage
Junior Warden: three year term ending January 2026
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Hollis McLoughlin
Treasurer: one year appointment ending January 2026
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Rachel Colson
Secretary: one-year appointment ending January 2025
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Matthew Bond
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2028
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Tom Gustafson
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2027
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Monte Hoover
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2028
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Francoise Le Gall
Vestry member: three-year term ending January 2028
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Gloria Manzo
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2026
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Kate McNamara
Vestry member: three-year term ending January 2027
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Mark Minukas
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2027
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Edith Stowe
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2027
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Anton Vanterpool
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2026
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Mirelle Warouw
Vestry member: two-year term ending January 2028
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Melanie Williams
Vestry Member: three-year term ending January 2026
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