Children’s Ministries
At St. Alban’s, we believe that a child’s spiritual growth is as significant as their physical and intellectual growth. Our goal is to help children name and value the presence and love of God in their lives. We do this through various means – by providing stable and consistent adult mentors, encouraging strong peer relationships, and supporting parents in their families’ faith lives at home.
We offer Nursery care each Sunday from 9 to 11:05 a.m. during the program year (10 to 11 a.m. during the summer). Our nursery is on the 2nd floor of Satterlee Hall.

Children’s Chapel
Children are always welcome for the entirety of our liturgies, but we also offer Children’s Chapel during the first half of the 9 a.m. service (10 a.m. during the summer). Parents are welcome to drop little ones off in Nourse Hall at 9 a.m. or remain with them for the whole of the children’s service. Folks in Children’s Chapel join “big church” at the Peace. To learn more, contact Kiki McLean or Rachel Freytag.

Sunday School
We offer a variety of Godly Play Sunday School classes tailored to the formational needs of children of every age. Our classes meet on the 2nd Floor of Satterlee Hall after the 9 a.m. service from 10:15-11 a.m. For more information, send an email to
Classes resume the 3rd Sunday of September. Register HERE.