Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Special Parish Meeting. The meeting will take place in Satterlee Hall’s Trenbath Assembly next Sunday, September 15th, at 10:30 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on certain amendments to the parish bylaws as proposed by the Vestry. In brief, the proposed amendments would:

  1. Authorize electronic meetings and electronic voting on a going-forward basis, in keeping with a recently enacted canon of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and
  2. Change our election procedures for Warden and Vestry positions by requiring the Nominating Committee to put forth only one nominee for each open position so that contested elections would no longer be mandatory while also liberalizing the rules under which parishioners may nominate a candidate by petition. 

For important details — including the requirements for being a qualified voter — please consult the “Corrected Notice of Special In-Person Parish Meeting” that was issued on August 15th in an all-parish email. Paper copies of the Notice will be available in the Narthex.