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Welcome to St. Alban’s Church! Every Sunday, and most days in between, people gather in this place to worship, to learn, to grow, to share the joys and struggles of our lives, and to seek God’s grace in the midst of our lives. We do not come because we have it all figured out, but because we are seeking light on the way. We come as we are and welcome one another.

On this website, you can find information about our worship, our classes for people of all ages, membership at St. Alban's, and about how we seek to make a difference in this world. We warmly encourage you to join us for a Sunday service or for some of the many other events that happen here. You belong at St. Alban’s.

Please fill out this welcome form to connect with us.

Contact us with any questions. Call (202) 363-8286 or email the church office.


Service Times 

Weekly In-person Sunday Service Schedule (Please note: Service times may be changed during the seasons of Christmas and Lent and during the summer. Please refer to our calendar to confirm the times.):

8 a.m. (English) in the Church
9 a.m. (English) in the Church
11:15 a.m. (English) in the Church
11:15 a.m. (Spanish) in Nourse Hall (same building as the Church)

Communion in one kind (i.e. wafers) will be offered at the main altar, although we will happily bring communion to those for whom steps are challenging. 

Weekly Live Sunday Services are live-streamed on our Youtube channel (St. Alban's DC) at 9 a.m. every Sunday, as is our Spanish service at 11:15 a.m. 

Evening Prayer Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. via Zoom, join us for a time of reflection and sharing at the close of your busy day. Contact Paul Brewster for the link. 



St. Alban’s Episcopal Church is located next to the Washington National Cathedral at the corner of Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues in the northwest section of the District of Columbia.

From either direction on the north loop of the Capital Beltway/I-495 follow signs for Route 355/Wisconsin Ave south toward DC. St. Alban’s is located on the left just before the intersection of Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues NW. Make a left onto Lych Gate Rd before you reach Massachusetts Ave. As you enter the drive, the church will be on your left and Satterlee Hall and the Rectory on the right. Stay on Lych Gate until it becomes Pilgrim Rd.

From any Virginia main in-bound thoroughfare (George Washington Memorial Parkway, I-395, Route 50, I-66), follow signs to Rosslyn and take the Key Bridge from Rosslyn north across the Potomac River into Georgetown. Go right on M St, left on Wisconsin Ave. St. Alban’s is located on the right just after the intersection of Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues NW. Make a right onto Lych Gate Rd after passing Massachusetts. As you enter the drive, the church will be on your left and Satterlee Hall and the Rectory on the right. Stay on Lych Gate until it becomes Pilgrim Rd.

Parking is available on Pilgrim Road Monday-Friday after 3:30 pm and all day Saturday and Sunday. Parking is also available in the Cathedral’s underground garage for a fee Monday- Saturday and for free on Sunday.  You may also park on neighborhood streets according to DC parking signs.

What to Expect

Visiting a church for the first time can be a bit daunting. So we have tried to put together the answers to some of the questions you’re likely to have and to ensure that you find a warm welcome here. Click on the questions to learn more.)

How do you worship?

What time are services on Sunday morning?

How long do services last?

Where can I park?

Do you offer programs for children?

What should I wear?

Do you have provisions for the differently-abled?

For Your Kids

Children’s Ministry

At St. Alban’s, we believe that a child’s spiritual growth is just as important as their physical and intellectual growth. Our goal is to help children name and value the presence and love of God in their lives. We do this through a variety of means – by providing stable and consistent adult mentors, encouraging strong peer relationships, and supporting parents in their families’ faith lives at home.

Worship: This Fall, Children's Chapel meets during the first half of the 9:00 a.m. service in Nourse Hall (a spacious parish hall in the same building as the main worship space.) Kids and families join "big church" at the Peace so everyone can receive Communion together. To learn more, contact the Rev’d Emily Griffin.

Education: We've resumed our formation programs for the 2022-2023 period. Here’s everything you need to know:

  • Sunday School and Youth Group Classes are from 10:15 to 11:05 a.m.
  • Nursery, 2s & 3s, PreK to 1st Grade, 2nd to 3rd Grade, and 4th to 6th Grade all meet upstairs in Satterlee Hall. Youth classes meet downstairs in Satterlee Hall.
  • If you haven’t registered your child or teen yet, it’s not too late. Register in person at the start of class or click here

Questions? For children, contact the Rev’d Emily Griffin at . For youth, contact the Rev’d Yoimel González Hernández at .

Learn more about Children's Ministries
Youth Ministry

Four teen groups participate in formation classes at St. Alban’s on Sunday mornings. We use the nationally recognized Episcopal curriculum “Journey to Adulthood," or J2A. J2A has two guiding principles: 1) Manhood and womanhood are gifts of God; and 2) Adulthood must be earned. This is a strong program with over 50 youth participating, many of whom engage in a wide variety of ministries at St. Alban’s. Two or three adults mentor each of the groups for two years, sharing their own faith journeys and forming strong bonds of fellowship with the participants.Learn more about Youth Ministries

The Episcopal Church

As Episcopalians, we follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe God is active in our everyday lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.  

The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and with each other in Christ. The Church pursues its mission as it prays and worships, proclaims the gospel, and promotes justice, peace and love. The Church carries out its mission through the ministry of all of its members.

We uphold the Bible and worship with the Book of Common Prayer. We believe the Holy Scriptures are the revealed Word of God. In worship we unite ourselves with one another to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God's Word, to offer prayer and praise, and to celebrate the Sacraments. The Celebration of Holy Eucharist is the central act of worship in accordance with Jesus' command to His disciples. Holy Communion may be received by all baptized Christians, not only members of the Episcopal Church.

The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion with 70 million members in 165 countries.  The word "Episcopal" refers to government by bishops. The historic episcopate continues the work of the first apostles in the Church, guarding the faith, unity and discipline of the Church. Both men and women, including those who are married, are eligible for ordination as deacons, priests and bishops. 

We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person. We welcome all to find a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church.

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Judea Beyond the Jordan

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Judea Beyond the Jordan

Judea Beyond the Jordan

Series: Pentecost

Speaker: The Rev'd Jim Quigley

In a liturgy planning session this week – a time when Emily, Geoffrey, Jeremy and I try to choose music that supports the themes in the readings form Holy Scriptures for our common worship – a comment was made that in regard to the texts assigned for today, the elephant in the room had to be acknowledged, at least in some way.  Which one, I wondered?  

In the reading from Job we get the question of theodicy – theodicy being the unexplainable suffering of the innocent, or the problem of the existence of evil in a world created by a loving God.  From Hebrews we get the notion that somehow it was an act of God’s grace that Jesus tasted death for everyone and that Christ’s suffering is the gateway to our freedom from sin.  Good for us bad for him.  In Mark we have the thorny topic about the reality of the disfunction in human relationships and the fact that if Jesus means what he says, Robert Plant was right: “Way down inside…” There’s a whole lotta love going on, and much of it is adulterous.  So which elephant?  Theodicy, suffering, Satan, cheap versus costly grace, sin?  Next!  Even the Collect of the Day today is challenging, imploring us to recall that which our conscience is afraid and reminding us that God is so much readier to hear than we are to turn and pray. 

But you know, I think, that we’d find a way to the good news – it’s always in there.  We might have to dig a little deeper today, but I can’t think of anything more compelling for us to hear this morning than the implication so blatantly inherent in the Gospel passage from Mark and in the other scriptures – that Jesus sets a really high bar for human behavior; that integrity is a virtue to strive for in our lives; that the Holy Scriptures don’t try to explain away the reality of suffering of the innocent or the reality of evil in the word, and, in the shadow evil casts, our call to radical discipleship and our call to bring light into a world shrouded in darkness.  

Momentarily getting back to the elephant in the room, in the gospel reading Mark locates Jesus’ teaching about divorce as taking place “in Judea beyond the Jordan.”  It may seem irrelevant to the story, but Judea beyond the Jordan is pace that holds special significance in Mark’s Gospel.  Judea beyond the Jordan is where Jesus was baptized by John and subsequently “driven” out into the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan.  Jesus is back in that same region and now his faith is being tested again (10.2; 1.13; 8.11; 12.15), this time not by Satan but by the religious authorities.  The Pharisees ask Jesus about his position regarding divorce and as important as that may be, it’s not actually what they are testing him on.  What they really want to know is how the good teacher regards the authority of Mosaic law, their own version of cheap grace.  But Jesus is way ahead of them.  “What does Moses say?” he asks.  What ensues is the Pharisees quoting the law about divorce as it was laid out in Deuteronomy (24.1-4) and in response Jesus, quoting Genesis, asks them a question in return:  But what do you think God wants?  What did God intend when conjuring us up, way back when?  It’s a brilliant hermeneutical move.  Later, when he’s with his disciples and they ask him about his conversation with the Pharisees – this is a paraphrase – Jesus tells them, “These days a woman can divorce a man too, but either way that’s not, you know, what God hopes for.” 

We don’t need to say much more than that regarding the elephants in the room today. Pastorally, or personally, my own life history includes a separation that led to a divorce after struggling for a decade or more with a failing relationship.  Oddly enough, it was the wise council of a fellow priest and former Rector of St. Alban’s who, in the midst of my battling with my own conscience, told me that when people make their marriage vows the one with a promise about not separating until death refers to the death of the marriage, not the person.  Hearing those words gave my ex-wife and I the courage to admit to one another that our marriage was dead and trying to keep it alive was killing both of us.  And I’d be shirking my calling as one of your priests if I didn’t, following Jesus’s lead, say that as painful and unintended by God as divorce after marriage may be, if adultery is an issue in your life, know this: There’s a wideness in God’s mercy like the wideness of the sea…. There is welcome for the sinner and more graces for the good… There is mercy with our Savior, there IS healing in his blood… 

One more word on the elephant, then back to Mark for a minute and then let’s end with some good news about what God intends for our lives as we simultaneously acknowledge those things of which our collective conscience should be afraid.  

The literal translation of the word divorce in the Mosaic Law is “put away.”  “Suppose a man,” Deuteronomy reads, “enters into marriage with a woman who does not please him because he finds something objectionable about her, so he puts her away and sends her out of his house…” etcetera, etcetera.  Reading it makes one cringe; it’s pretty despicable and describes something that sounds more like abandonment than divorce.  But in Jesus’ exchange with the Pharisees he stops short of lecturing them about their morality because he knows that would be of no use and reminds them why the law is even there in the first place – because of the way people are.   That was a later addition, Jesus says.  As ethicist and theologian Robert Hammerton-Kelly has written, “The question of adhering to Mosaic law is not one of observance but of intention.  If the heart is hard, then no legal observance will justify it, and no amount of observance will turn it to God.”  

But before turning to teach his disciples Jesus does pause long enough to give the Pharisees a fighting chance for redemption with a few verses from that oldy but goody from way back in the day.   It’s such a remarkably beautiful story about life together, about the way our God wants things to be.   “Remember when God made people, Jesus asks them?  God made Adam first.”  You might know that Adam is a name that in biblical usage is most often interpreted as “man” but can simply mean “person.”  So God made a person then God put the person in a garden world that needed tilling and keeping.  And then, seeing that that person was alone, made them a partner.  Adam was thrilled.  Love at first sight.  “Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh!”  I love you!  And then Adam gives the partner a name because that’s what lovers often do, give their partners a special name.  Hers, Eve, means life, or living, or ‘life-source.”  LGBTQ  – married or single – it doesn’t matter – we are put on this planet by God to be in loving relationship with each other and with garden around us – the source of our life.  

There’s a wideness to God’s mercy that is like the wideness of the sea.  There’s welcome for the sinner and more graces for the good.  That is in fact the good news of God today but there’s tilling and keeping that needs to be done, putting it mildly.  The political circus we’ve all witnessed these past weeks.  Outside the political realm, or not, Mother nature, as they used to call her, is coming at us with a vengeance.  The world we are leaving for our children to inherit is a frightening one – we gotta to wake up to that.  We are killing Eve, our life-source.  She’s threatening to divorce us – to put us out of her house.  We have to change the way we are living.  And we have to do that right away, in whatever way we can.  We’ve got to get back to the garden and into responsible covenant with one another and with God, renouncing the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God, as we have promised, time and time again. 

We are in Judea beyond the Jordan.  We’re being tested.  In our customary time of silence in response to the Scriptures this morning we might consider the web of relationships that are the sources of our lives.  We might give thanks for all that makes us alive or brings us to life; our loved ones, our friends and family, our co-workers and our work as the covenanted people of God.  We might hope – which means act – for a better future and remember all those who suffer now and will in the future from the effects of global climate change.  And we might pray:  Lord, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve: Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things for which we are not worthy to ask, through Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.